Editorial : 2 youngsters who have joined for this season
Jimmy Bloomfield and Joe Haverty.
Thinking about law changes. The throw in became compulsory for the player to use both hands and bring the ball from behind his head.. The one handed throw was barred because a fellow named Wilson could throw the ball in from touch as far as he could kick it. the two handed throw came in to reduce the distance. then came Newcastle Utd. playwer Sam Weaver who with two hands could throw great lengths. Should throw-in be eliminated and free kick be given for the ball going out of pl;ay. We had fun when goalkeepers ran 30-40 yards bouncing the ball. It was funny to see goalkeepers doing a wild dance at penalties. The indirect free kick a rule addition that many people are still not happy with. any new thoughts . Limited substitutions for injured players. Charging of the goalkeeper to be barred.
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